What is iPA God ?
iPA God is an app that lets you download cracked iPA’s on a non jailbroken device.
What is Jailbreak ?
Jailbreak is a process used to open the software of an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad to allow the user greater access to the device to install non-Apple-approved software.where you can download Paid Apps for free.
What will it look like on my device?
What firmware does iPA God work on?
iPA God works on iOS 4.0 – iOS 4.2.1+
How much will this App cost?
Download iPA God Now.Here
Follow iPA God on Twitter:Here
The following is to help you get iPA God. [Mac users only]
1. You need a mac.
2. You need an apple developer certificate. (Paid developer program)
3. Open .xcodeproj
4. You need Xcode
5. Right click iPA God (Project) once opened Xcode, Set base SDK to iOS 4.2, Deployment target to iOS 3.0 and your developer certificate in CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY (any iOS)
6. Right click iPA God in targets folder and Set the developer certificate to yours
7. Click build there should be 0 errors
8. Follow readme.txt instructions
Can you figure out the rest?
2. You need an apple developer certificate. (Paid developer program)
3. Open .xcodeproj
4. You need Xcode
5. Right click iPA God (Project) once opened Xcode, Set base SDK to iOS 4.2, Deployment target to iOS 3.0 and your developer certificate in CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY (any iOS)
6. Right click iPA God in targets folder and Set the developer certificate to yours
7. Click build there should be 0 errors
8. Follow readme.txt instructions
Can you figure out the rest?
Windows version coming soon.
More news as they come,just stay updated.
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Wanna Jailbreak-Unlock your iDevice ?
Wanna Jailbreak-Unlock your iDevice ?
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Just e.mail me @ karimkhashaba92@gmail.com.
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Thank you.
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